Sunday, January 10, 2010

Blogging every single day has not exactly worked out for me...Alright so maybe I didn't exactly make it work out; however, in this, as in all experiences, there is something to learn.

What have I learned?
1) Setting good routines takes commitment
2) I am the maker of my own destiny
3) Guilt will get me nowhere
4) I should really blog about all the great stuff I think of in the middle of the night cuz that would be far more interesting than some of the deep and serious stuff I cover here. name just a few.

Some of my difficulty in meeting the daily deadline has to do with the question of what is too personal to write about in my blog? Let's take into account the blog is about some of the most personal struggles in my life. I want to be honest and maybe a little raw but there is such a thing as too much information. Facing possible---no probable---disapproval is as difficult for me as it might be for the next person. To me some of that stuff that is just too personal to write about, that raw experience, would actually be some of the most interesting and beneficial for others to read, but it would also be some of the most embearassing for others to know.

In this process of narrowing a topic I am learning something too, something about respecting limits...though I am not sure exactly what yet because I am, you guessed it: still learning.

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