Wednesday, April 28, 2010

“I wanted to throw myself into an experience that was too big for me and learn in a way that would cost me something” A quote attributed to Jamie Zeppa in the margin on the Otesha Project Website.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My best simple advice to me:
Avoid the bad habits, they make me sad.
Embrace the good habits, they make me happy.

Monday, April 12, 2010


Life can be a little like riding a rollercoaster: while it is supposed to be an adventure, it doesn't always work as planned. Sometimes you're stuck sideways, hoping like hell it's soon fixed, praying the seetbelt keeps you in, and thanking God you're not completely upside down!

Friday, April 9, 2010

I am at
1 AM again
listening to the rain
gentle sloosh, passing cars
drip puddle drip muddle
and waiting for him
silly me

It's simple.

It often seems to me like the simpler I want something to be, the more complicated it is.

If I want a simple black dress, I find purple, green and yellow dresses adorned in lace, ribbons, and bows.
If I just want to drive to Tim Horton's and get a coffee I get into an accident wherein my car gets totaled.
If I seek a friend, I find a lover.
If I find a lover, I needed a friend.

Does simplicity exist?

Perhaps the notion of simplicity is really a perfectly orchestrated trick of the senses.

Perhaps it is just the idea of simplicity that wets the appetite long enough to keep us interested so that when we think we've found it, we revel in it, to us it is sublime...
                                                                                                       ...until some bird shits all over it.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


The accident happened on Tuesday.
Yes, I am fine.
My neck is sore and shoulder is stiff but I am lucky, very lucky.
Now, I am one lucky girl in need of another car.