Last night, despite:
- the free beer from my favoritest boss ever,
- the stranger-I-kinda-know who stopped to chat in the middle of the night when I was just about to cry,
- the brief moment I got with someone for whom I care deeply,
- the multitude of Facebook exclamations to have a "Merry Christmas,"
- the card and heart-felt hug I got from a colleague,
- the snow ball formed with old affection intended for me that missed,
- the unseasonably awesome weather last night,
- my beautiful snowflake tree,
- excitement evident on the kids faces that overflowed in every stammered word,
- the stranger who carried my Budweiser all of the way to the cash through the whole line up of 20 people that snaked through the liquor store all the way into the walk-in cooler,
- the hot landlord that left a party to unlock my apartment door because I had locked myself out,
- the knowledge of all the great and beautiful things my kids and I would be receiving on the following day, and
- my car shovelled out by a kindly neighbour. The very same neighbour who also makes sure my garbage-can makes it to the curb whenever I forget it, all the year through.
Once my kids arrived rosy cheeked, dressed in new pj's from my ex husbands mother (zzz's a tradition she started with her own 3 kids 35 years ago of giving the kids new pj's on Christmas Eve so that they were sure to be wearing something decent for pictures the next day) and the pile of gifts were unwrapped and enjoyed, I started baking. The kindly shovelling neighbour is a single man who lives alone who probably won't get anything home baked this Christmas so I thought I would fill a festive tin for him and address a card to him as well, thanking him for his efforts.
That's when I started to feel It: The magic of the season.
Around the time that I set the final mixing bowl in the draintray, shiny and clean, it occurred to me that I would write about the bits of magic I've witnessed just in the past day in this blog. Which lead me to understand that the blogs ahead of me and the blogs already posted are like roadsigns on my quest for self improvement. Haha hopefully most of them leed me in the right direction...
It has been a Merry Christmas!...and we haven't even had dinner at the farm yet!
Well done. :)